About Kasey Jachim

I am a daughter, wife, mother and grandmother who is dedicated to preserving our freedoms and exposing those trying to subvert them. I live for my faith, family and freedom and hope you will join me in this very important battle to preserve all of them!

The Jackasses Won – Time For a Reality Break!

WOW, what a ride this past year!  I started this blog hoping to make a difference.  A difference for my grandchildren and my country.  I had no idea what I was up against.  Who could ever image a world where abortion, gay marriage, and legalized pot became more of an issue than jobs, economy, national security and our Constitution.  A world where the takers outnumber and outvote the makers – where free stuff is more important than freedom.  A world where the younger generation thinks more of themselves and their right to free contraception and abortion than the future of their parents, grandparents and children.  A world where the liberal media not only never challenged the liberal candidate but outright campaigned for him.

People asked if I thought Romney had a chance and I alway said he would win in a fair election.  Well, we all know now that this election wasn’t fair.  How sad that many precincts reported OVER 100% voter turnout and others reported flagrant abuse and, in some cases, illegal registration at the time of voting.  Chicago politics at its worst.  If this election is not a mandate for a national voter database and voter ID’s I don’t know what would be.  There are so many petitions for secession I can’t believe this is the outcome America really wanted.

President Obama has a lot ahead of him but I fear nothing will change. Taxes will be raised; Obamacare will suck the economy and life, literally, out of many of us; and we will be facing another fiscal crisis.  Benghazi will be stone-walled and the cover-ups will all continue.  Fast and Furious will take a back seat, temporarily, to the new Watergate.  What we do know is we have an incompetent administration that is lying to us at every turn, and they do not care who they toss under the bus.  I hope and pray Congress will NOT let the murder of four Americans go unpunished.

After being in total denial this past week, I am now disappointed, disillusioned and downright depressed at the idiocy of this country’s voting process and voting morons.  I am taking a short break from the real, and really screwed-up, world until after the holidays.  I thank you all for your support, loyalty and true patriotism.  Failure is NOT an option and I will continue the fight with my fellow bloggers, conservatives, freedom-fighters and patriots soon.



Media blackout of black Chicago protesters marching against Obama

They can’t be fooled forever!  Many blacks are waking up and realizing the President of ‘Hope’ has abandoned them.  From Breitbart:  “Not all blacks tow the racial line and  vote for Obama just because he’s black. Meet the Broke Party, who could be members of the Tea Party. They, like most US citizens want the American Dream, not poverty. They don’t want to be used by liberals like Obama who want to keep them on the welfare plantation as vote slaves. The jerks at ABC? They just hide out.”



The current Divider in Chief has failed – it is time for new leadership!

VIDEOS: A 13 Year Old Grades Obama and Romney – Our Future Generation Nails It!

My faith and hope in our country has been renewed!  Meet Jenny Cantrell, a 13-year-old student who held Obama and Romney to the same grading system she and her fellow students are required to meet.  She graded them on the economy, business, Obamcare, energy, national debt, and national security.  Jenny’s youth and inexperience in politics kept her open-minded and analytical.


Her teachers and parents should be proud!  She is our hope!



Excellent job Jenny!  After her stint as ‘Teacher for the Day’ Jenny made a follow-up video regarding the auto bailout, unions, the debates, taxes, redistribution of wealth, and the candidates’ values.  She nailed those too!



H/T Swiss Defence League

Fewer Than 200 Reportedly Show Up for Pro-Obama Rally Featuring Stevie Wonder

Via The Blaze

President Barack Obama presents Stevie Wonder ...

Cleveland.com is reporting that fewer than 200 people showed up for a unique get-out-the-vote rally for President Obama featuring legendary musician Stevie Wonder.



Located at Cleveland State University, Brandon Blackwell of The Plain Dealer writes that the event was primarily to encourage early voting, but that perhaps Obama supporters weren’t given enough warning to clear their schedules for the mini-concert.

Blackwell relates:

Obama for America Ohio, which hosted the rally, informed its nearly 34,000 followers on Twitter about the event around 10 a.m.

“Perhaps it wasn’t advertised properly, but the people who are here are fired up,” said Bill Milhoan, of Mentor.

Milhoan, who said he supports Obama, was one of the few people in the crowd who have not already voted.

“It would be disingenuous to say I am here because of Obama,” he said. “How do you pass up a chance to see Stevie Wonder?”


Read the rest here.

Are You Voting for Revenge or for Love of Country? (Videos)

By Kasey Jachim

I am sure most of you have seen Obama’s latest campaign hate speech. Instead of listing his accomplishments (ummmm, Obamacare and doubling the national debt), he chose to tear into Mitt Romney.  His disregard for civility regarding Romney, Conservatives, Congress, the Constitution, and even voters never ceases to amaze me.  Obama recently asked his supporters to help him win another term by voting.  Not just to vote for him, but to seek revenge by voting against the evil Republican.  “Voting is the best Revenge” is his latest mantra.



In contrast to this petulant, narcissistic, finger-pointing, Bush-blaming man-child, Governor Romney gave supporters a positive list of his past accomplishments in business, the Olympics, and as Governor of a Democratic state.  He laid out his plans and even said he would begin day one by accepting responsibility and not blaming his predecessor!  Rather than counter Obama’s whiney appeal with another negative message, Mitt Romney is asking voters to “Vote for Love of Country” not revenge!

The following ad contrasts the main differences between the two men:



Which man would you rather vote for? I know who I want – the man with a positive message who will cross the aisle and bring America back to the standard of excellence we are used to!  The man who is actually PROUD of America – Mitt Romney.  Pray and vote – I can see him in the White House from my back yard!

“If Obama wins, this could very well be our last free election!”

By Kasey Jachim


I have been active in our local Republican and Tea Party groups since 2008.  I currently volunteer at the local Romney Victory Office and have had an opportunity to meet some wonderful Patriots.  One thing I have noticed in the past few weeks is the fact that the Obama campaign is not getting the message!

Recently a young voter, who just turned 18, came in for signs and stickers.  He is so excited and enthusiastic about his ‘first time’ and is proud to be voting for Mitt Romney.  He is spreading the word around his community college and hopes to encourage other young conservatives to vote.

Another young voter, who is a recent college graduate looking for full-time employment, recently expressed her concern about the economy and lack of jobs for those entering the workforce.  She said she could afford her own birth-control if she had a decent full-time job, she didn’t need the government in her business.

A woman recently came in asking for a voter registration form.  She is 51 years old and will be voting for the ‘first time’ in her life.  She said this election is the most important in our lifetime and she is afraid for herself, her family and our country.

A lovely lady about 80 years young came in for some yard signs and expressed her concern over the administration’s ignorance regarding seniors.  She wondered ‘just how stupid Obama thinks seniors are.’  She said she was deeply concerned about the economy and the debt we are leaving our grandchildren much more than she was concerned about Medicare and Social Security.  I know that is why I am volunteering and writing this blog – not for me but for my innocent grandchildren who have no voice.

A gentleman came in to pick up Absentee Ballots for his grandparents who were too ill to go to the polls.  He said “Granny was upset that she might not be able to vote” so he was making sure she could and that her voice would be heard.

Several of us discussed how often people have mentioned prayer and how important and powerful it can be.  One of the volunteers said God gave us Obama to wake us up and may now be ready to help us.  I know I pray daily!

Finally, I met a gentleman who was visibly shaking and was so distraught over the thoughts of another four years of Obama he had tears in his eyes.  Several of us began reminiscing about our younger years of Memorial Day Parades, prayer in school, pride in America and all things made in America.  We then compared them to the current day destruction of America and all things made in America. The gentleman then looked at all of us and said, “I am afraid if Obama wins, this could very well be our last free election.”

After the chills subsided, I began another silent prayer.

Please reach out to those who may need assistance getting to the polls and encourage everyone you know to pray and to vote as if their life depended on it – because it just might.

Also, please read The Grey-Haired Brigade when you get the chance…..

Related articles:

Obama’s narcissism a danger to America, and the world

Reblogged from Counter Jihad Report


I must confess that, in 2008, I was impressed by Barack Obama. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared confident and was as smooth as a rock star. He commanded the stage and screen. I was really confident that this man, being black and having a possible semi-Muslim upbringing, was the perfect candidate to make lasting peace in the Middle East. I was sure that Israel was going to see a much-needed peace with the Palestinians, and my visits to eat great humus in Tulkarem — a small Palestinian town near Netanya — would one day soon be possible again.

But I was put off very soon after President Obama took office. The first time I began to look more closely at him was when I watched his speech in Cairo. I listened in awe and disbelief, but I thought that this may be a ploy to embrace the Muslim world and develop a mutual respect with the Arabs. Perhaps, I thought, this was a great tactic in showing friendship and commitment to the Muslim masses.

All too soon, my hopes started to fade. As I began watching President Obama’s body language and listened more closely to his tone of voice, I noticed a shallowness and an air of haughtiness that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his words. It stunned me to watch his speeches, which were filled with such “religious” inflection that it struck me in a why it no doubt did for so many others.

I watched and watched and saw how things in this volatile region of heated debate and steady but almost controlled violence started spiraling way out of control. What I thought were going to be U.S. accomplishments in this historic and religious global epicenter turned out to be deadly failures with long-term consequences.

I went back to watch the Cairo speech, watching over and over again, and I noticed that President Obama is really not an ordinary man. Hischaracter is indeed unique in that he has the ability to impress or frustrate. Even though I felt that at times he was quite ignorant to the most important subjects relating to Israel, like the 1967 borders, he never really spoke like a lawyer or politician but rather someone who was out to prove that he was the epicenter and not the problem.

Obama’s language, posture and demeanor seemed wrong to me. This was supposed to be a president who gave hope to so many, who was supposed to implement change in a positive way for all. It was as if President Obama was projecting a grandiose posture that was not his. He looked out of place and suddenly was not the presidential figure representing the free world.

It seemed that he created a sort of personality cult around himself, elevating his admirers blindly, presenting a somewhat false trust of enthusiasm that led followers to believe that no matter what he said in his speeches, he was free to do as he wished, unaccountable at all times. These admirers would follow at any cost, blindly as if in a daze or hypnotized. He promised the moon but delivered doom, and people were missing the real-life threats taking place, unfolding as an optical illusion of a beautiful spring dubbed “the Arab Spring.”

In searching for answers to find out what Obama’s real agenda on Israel was, I became swamped with irrelevant accusations, doctored pictures and cartoons. The mainstream media was promoting Obama, pushing him forward into the sphere that he sought to be. They, too, were blinded. I found an interesting observation by chance when I came across the behavioral patterns of narcissism. This disorder was common in the likes of other world leaders, but more so in dictators and power-seekers, those who wanted control as if it meant everything.

I am by no means a professional psychologist, nor have I ever had any training other than simple body language classes and perhaps a more in-depth profiling education based on the work I carried out as an Israeli police officer. Having said this, I started noticing alarming signs that perhaps indicate a slight narcissistic trend in President Obama. I base this assumption on the president’s speeches and statements, both on and off the record.

Obama’s imposing personality overwhelms those around him. He charms with his charisma. He shapes those around him and reduces others in his own inverted image (as we saw with his snubbing of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu).

I drew from my readings that narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them reach their personal objectives. They are focused on one thing alone, and that is power and control.

All other issues are meaningless to them, and they do not like to waste their precious time on trivialities. Anything that does not help them is beneath them and does not deserve their attention (remember President Obama’s recent comments when he snubbed Netanyahu’s request for action on the Iranian nuclear weapons program?).

Take a look at his attitude while serving in the U.S. Senate. If an issue was raised in the Senate that did not help Obama in one way or another, he had no interest in it. “Present” was a safe vote. No one could criticize him if things went wrong. Those issues were unworthy by their very nature because they were not about him.

A study by a leading psychologist found that Obama’s election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review led to a contract and advance to write a book about race relations. The University of Chicago Law School provided him a lot longer than expected, and at the end, the project evolved into his own autobiography. Instead of a scholarly paper focusing on race relations, for which he had been paid, Obama it seems could not resist writing about his most sublime self. He titled the book, “Dreams from My Father.”

Narcissists are often callous and even ruthless. As the norm, they lack conscience. This is perhaps evident from Obama’s lack of interest in his own brother, who lives in poverty. A man who lives in luxury, who takes a private jet to vacation in Hawaii and who raised nearly half a billion dollars for his campaign (something unprecedented in history) has no interest in the plight of his own brother. Why? Because his brother cannot be used in his ascent to power. A narcissist cares for no one but himself.

There is no doubt this election has been like no other in the history of America. The main issues are really insignificant compared to what is at stake in the form of lives being spared and countries disappearing and, yes, the global economy. What can be more dangerous than having a man bereft of conscience, one who cannot distinguish his fantasies from reality, as the leader of the free world?

Read the rest here.